The study examines, among other things, the visual appeal of anime as well as cultural, sociological and historical perspectives. The goal of this study is to increase our understanding of the cultural perceptions of anime and also to identify the factors bearing on its popularity. In some cases, limitations can be caused by a stigma surrounding anime or even with the fans who support it. One aspect of this research explores barriers to growth in popularity. Various social scientific models enable us to conceptualize the extent of growth in popularity of anime in various cultures and subcultures.
In some countries, however, anime has also encountered resistance, or at least a lack of enthusiasm. Social scientists have started to explore the growth and significance of anime as an aspect of culture that crosses borders. Through its popularity, anime has grown to the point that it has built a community globally that appreciates the art form. With the assistance of the Internet, its popularity has only increased through social platforms, which have enabled fans to share their interests around the world. Abstract: Anime has grown to be a worldwide cultural phenomenon over the past couple of decades.